Monday, March 4, 2013


'Nuff said.

 lol :) Actually I'm having a fabulous day but this graphic made me laugh.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Soup, soup, I love soup!

Soup is perfect on cold days and crockpot soup that's ready when you get home is even better. Mom says it's still freezing back home, so I thought I would share my spin on Grandma Lawson's hamburger soup recipe.

Spicy Cabbage Soup

What you need:
- 1 lb ground beef
- 10 baby carrots
- head of green cabbage
- 1/2 c. chopped onion
- 12 oz can diced tomatoes (not drained)
- 48 oz of chicken broth
- 4 oz can of green chiles
- Salt & Pepper
- Crockpot

Start by seasoning the ground beef and browning it with the onion.

While the meat cooks, chop the carrots and cabbage into chunks. Throw away the center of the cabbage near the stem, it can taste bitter.

Once the meat is done, add the carrots, tomatoes, cabbage and chiles to the crockpot. Cover with the chicken broth.

Set crockpot to low and cook for 5-6 hours or 3-4 hours on high.

Serve with a rustic loaf of bread. Mmmmmmmmm...


Spicy but not too hot and very hearty.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy Hedgehog Day!

The way I see it since February 2nd is Groundhog Day then March 2nd should be Hedgehog Day, I mean really it's only fair.

Seriously taking refuge in a slipper is way better than six more weeks of winter.

Anyways I'm making it official "HAPPY HEDGEHOG DAY" Ha Me!

Check out these sites for more hedgehog shenanigans: buzzfeed & Cute